Monday, February 22, 2010

Joshua's Video Debut

Joshua started walking on his own A LOT a few weeks ago. Here is a video! Unfortunately, I can't seem to get it upright (I recorded it on our digital camera sideways... ooops). Oh well. It gets the job done!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Our Walker & Talker!

Joshua takes after Luke in so many areas: body structure, baby cheeks, dimples, rapid physical development (he's already taken steps on his own!), eye color (blue), allergies to penicillin, and even appetite.

I have found, however, a few things that he takes after me in: painful teething (oh the agony!), hair color (so far), and the gift of gab! Joshua loves to talk!

Right now, at 11.5 months old, Joshua can say 18 words clearly and in context (he can point these things out on a page or photo, as well as say them):

DahDah, MahMah, Dog, Duck, Yellow, NahNah (Luke's mom), PahPah (Luke's dad), BaMah (my mom), BaPah (my dad), Buff (my parent's dog), Ball, ByeBye, Hi, NumNum (his word for hungry), Ahl-Don ("all done"), Don (Luke's brother Jon), Duce (Juice), and Banana.

He also says lots of unclear things that I can understand, like "daht" means "that" and "doh" means "go". He even tries to form sentences. Every morning that Luke happens to be gone, Joshua asks, "Weh DahDah Do?" (Where'd Daddy Go?). He even waits for me to respond.

Otherwise, he just rambles with "Dahdahdahdah" and so on. But, I'm impressed! I know it doesn't take much, but still!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Our Son, The Blessing

"Behold, children are a gift of the LORD, the fruit of the womb is a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior, so are the children of one's youth. How blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them; they will not be ashamed when they speak with their enemies in the gate." (Psalm 127:3-5)

Joshua has definitely been such a gift to us, as well as a blessing to those around us. I am constantly in awe at the way our LORD uses him in other people's lives.

For instance, back when Joshua was only 6 months old and still quite reserved around new people, we were eating dinner with a couple who were emotionally hurting. Their son & daughter-in-law had disowned them, refusing to let them anywhere near their grandchildren. This ripped our friends' hearts out. For some reason, Joshua would look at the woman across the table, flirt with her, climb on her, nuzzle her, snuggle with her, kiss her cheek, and hug her tight. This is abnormal for him to do with anyone but me. I was in shock! The woman sat there, holding and playing with Joshua, with tears of joy streaming down her cheeks. Before they left, she told us that she felt like God had sent him to minister to her heart. Wow!

Months later, we were at church singing worship songs to the LORD. Joshua saw one of our friends sitting next to us. He immediately lunged for her. He proceeded to play with her a bit, then snuggled into her shoulder and slept on her through the rest of worship and the teaching. Again, this is very abnormal for Joshua. He usually fights sleep like the plague! Our friend had been going through a hard time, and this seemed to bring a smile and joy back into her day. Amazing!

I've noticed this in my own life as well. Every day I feel more and more blessed by the LORD! Through Joshua, God has grown me in patience, perseverance, and prayer. I know what it is to be without sleep, to be in great pain, and to feel helpless. Yet, I seek the LORD and He sustains me through it all. I understand God as Father more intimately now! I seriously LOVE Joshua the same whether he's covered in his own poop or throwing up on me or smiling sweetly. God is like that towards me through Christ, and I am SO thankful!

I can't wait to see what else God has in store for us this year! Even in the hard times, God will sustain us! Praise His Name!