We're now 12 weeks along, and there are a ton of decisions we're facing! Many have been easy. For one thing, it was easy to choose name options, since we've had up to 5 names picked out since we were first engaged. It was also easy to choose between a mid-wife and doctor. We like the personal and natural touch of a mid-wife, so we're going with that option. Easy.
The more difficult decision looming over us right now is reusable vs. disposable diapers. All we've been told are the benefits and drawbacks of each, but nobody really wants to say which is more worthwhile. I suppose it really depends on priorities and resources. Here are the few things I know:
Reusable Diaper Pros:
- Cheaper (Approx $400 vs. $2000 on average per child)
- Environmentally Friendly (It's estimated that disposables take 250-500 yrs to decompose)
- Healthier (Must change diapers more often and less chemicals used, so healthier for baby)
- Potty Training Helper (Kids will feel wet and will take to potty faster in theory)
Disposable Diaper Pros:
- More Time Efficient (Less time washing off and washing diapers)
- Less Mess (No need to wash off diapers, and less chance of leakage)
- Less Water/Detergent Used (Not sure how much less, but it seems significant)
- More Socially Acceptable (Let's face it, people who reuse are in the minority)
Part of me really likes the convenience factor of the disposable diapers, but the practical side of me sees the cost/benefit ratio scale tilted towards reusable. We may not be able to afford disposables! Missionary budgets are tight, and this would be a good way to save money.
What do other moms out there think? I would love to hear suggestions, corrections, and stories! Please share! We need help!