We're now 12 weeks along, and there are a ton of decisions we're facing! Many have been easy. For one thing, it was easy to choose name options, since we've had up to 5 names picked out since we were first engaged. It was also easy to choose between a mid-wife and doctor. We like the personal and natural touch of a mid-wife, so we're going with that option. Easy.
The more difficult decision looming over us right now is reusable vs. disposable diapers. All we've been told are the benefits and drawbacks of each, but nobody really wants to say which is more worthwhile. I suppose it really depends on priorities and resources. Here are the few things I know:
Reusable Diaper Pros:
- Cheaper (Approx $400 vs. $2000 on average per child)
- Environmentally Friendly (It's estimated that disposables take 250-500 yrs to decompose)
- Healthier (Must change diapers more often and less chemicals used, so healthier for baby)
- Potty Training Helper (Kids will feel wet and will take to potty faster in theory)
Disposable Diaper Pros:
- More Time Efficient (Less time washing off and washing diapers)
- Less Mess (No need to wash off diapers, and less chance of leakage)
- Less Water/Detergent Used (Not sure how much less, but it seems significant)
- More Socially Acceptable (Let's face it, people who reuse are in the minority)
Part of me really likes the convenience factor of the disposable diapers, but the practical side of me sees the cost/benefit ratio scale tilted towards reusable. We may not be able to afford disposables! Missionary budgets are tight, and this would be a good way to save money.
What do other moms out there think? I would love to hear suggestions, corrections, and stories! Please share! We need help!
We are going to start cloth diapering in the near future. We already had quite the pile of disposable diapers on hand and since Johnny has to have his diaper changed so often, we are just going that route now. But hopefully in the next month or two we will make the switch. Here is a blog of my friend Sarah Windham who just changed to cloth in the last month:
Cloth diapering is becoming more and more trendy. The trend may not have fully hit in Iowa...but if you start now you will be ahead of the curve. :) I know a lot moms that either already do cloth diapers or are considering it.
We are seriously considering making the move to cloth. No final decision yet...I know we could switch any time with Erik, but I might still wait until baby #3 arrives to make my move. That way I could buy a few diapers at a time and not have to invest a bunch all at once.
If you don't want to do the dunking, you can buy a diaper sprayer like this that attaches to your toilet: http://www.tinytush.com/Mini-Shower_p_86-584.html. We will definitely get one if we do cloth diapers because the idea of dunking does gross me out a bit. Apparently you may be able to find something similar that's not specifically for diapers but attaches to the toilet in the same way at places like Lowe's.
Here's a nice article I found that introduces you to the lingo of the modern cloth diapering world: http://www.diaperjungle.com/cloth-diaper-terminology.html. There's been a lot of innovation in the world of cloth diapers since our parents may have used them "back in the day" . :)
Yeah, yeah, yeah! I really (oddly) like talking diaper talk. Like Leah said, I wrote a blog about it, but here's some more info for ya:
Is the switch worthwhile? Um, YES. Personally for me there are a ton of reasons to switch (financially, environmentally, health reasons, etc). We didn't start until later with Julia (just after she turned 7 months, so for the last month). However, next go round I plan to do it from the hospital. Seriously. Added bonus, you can wash breast fed poo diapers without rinsing, which means for the first odd 6 months you don't have to "dunk" the diapers in the toilet before washing.
Cloth diapered babes seem to have less diaper rashes and it's been said they potty train sooner since they know that they're wet (added bonus #2!).
For us, I decided not to use cloth with Julia overnight (1- because Jonathan asked that we not, 2- because I don't want to deal with the transition of her waking at night getting use to the new "wetness") so we use 1 disposable diaper a day. Also, when traveling we're doing disposables (for obvious reasons). However, using cloth 24-7 is totally do able (just ask our moms and grandmoms!). Ok, I could go on and go... but I won't. Here are some websites I found most helpful:
http://www.greenmountaindiapers.com/ - this is run by a stay at home Christian mom. I found this to be the most helpful site I found (great pictures and explanations). Plus, I liked given my money to a fellow believer.
http://www.keeperofthehome.org/ - this lady does cloth and her website in general is pretty cool. Again, another Christian mom. She talks about everything under the sun, and I really enjoy her blogs.
If you have any questions and want the "real" truth, all the gory poopy details, feel free to ask!
P.S. Here are two more sites:
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