Two little words that are like music to my ears! They make illness and pain more bearable. They bring joy to our entire family! Yup, you guessed it: WE'RE PREGNANT!
Story time! I was feeling very ill at the beginning of June. For two weeks, I was dizzy, fatigued, sick to my stomach, and emotional. I thought I was going to die! So, I cried out to the Lord, and He gave me an overwhelming feeling of peace. Then, six little words hit me like a resounding gong: "Check To See If You're Pregnant."
I couldn't shake this thought, so I went out to buy one of those home pregnancy tests. The closest place was HyVee, so I went up to their pharmacy counter and asked the lady where the tests were. She gave me this look like, "You're not old enough to be asking me this", but pointed them out to me. I laughed the look off, and quickly made my purchase. I drove home, ran for the bathroom, and followed the instructions. Let's just say the plus sign was REALLY purple. I told Luke later that night, and he was super excited. We went for an official test the next day with the doctor, and it was confirmed.
We're due in February, which means we are only 9 weeks along! Not quite a honeymoon present, but pretty close. Yay for the newest Anderson! We can't wait to meet him/her!
Thats great news! Do you plan on finding out if its a him or a her beforehand?
yeah baby!!!!
We will DEFINITELY be finding out the gender of the baby! We can't wait to stop calling the baby "it".
yes, we couldn't call either of our babies "it" - that is why we had nicknames for both. belle was "junior" and johnny was "duece". :)
Congrats to you three! :) Despite the obvious no-fun morning sickness, I thoroughly LOVED being pregnant. It was a glorious 9 months and I pray that the same holds true for you.
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